


OUR MISSION - it consists on the production, selling and assemblage using the highest standarts of quality and innovation in the solar protection solutions. Believe on constant qualification for our human resources. Center our work on our workers and customer's satisfaction, caring for a healthy development of our society. OUR VISION - To be a respected company, considered in the global world, and represente a reference in quality and effectiveness. OUR TARGETS • Etics, transparency and professionalism. • Creativity and Innovation. • Entire satisfaction for our buiseness partners • Valorize our working teams • Promote the expansion to new markets.

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Decorativo Canaveral e Palhinhas / Canaveral & Bamboo Luxestores
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Os estores de canas ou palhinhas são cortinas ecológicas com uma vasta gama de cores em produtos como bambu, yate, corda, entre outros, para poder fazer chegar até si uma vasta colecção cheia de naturalidade e qualidade com um requinte ideal para ambientes confortáveis, onde o rústico impera e o moderno é dIstinguido pelas tendências mais vanguardistas em espaços interiores. Pode ser aplicado qualquer tipo de cana ou palhinha nos sistemas de Rolo ou em Estore de Pregas.

The Bamboo shades are ecologic curtains with a vast range of colors with products like yate, rope, between others, to offer you a big collection full of naturality and quality, exquisite and ideal for confortable environments with a traditional touch.

Les stores en bambou ou paille sont des rideaux écologiques avec une grande varieté de couleurs et de produits par exemple : mange bambou, yate, corde, entre autres, avec l’objectif de pouvoir faire arriver chez vous une vaste collection pleine de naturel et de qualité avec un raffinement idéal pour les ambiances confortables où le rustique règne et le moderne est distingué par les tendances le plus avant-gardiste dans les espaces intérieurs. Peut être appliqué tout type de bambou ou paille sur les systèmes à Rouleau ou store plissé.

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