Our company was born during 1998, and by then we were known by the quality and innovation applied on the solar protection business field, having thus achieved and initiated a new stage with the creation of a new company - justified by the growing business volume in Portugal and abroad. That's how Luxestores emmerges, a company with an 100% portuguese shares, with young people and fresh ideas, dynamic and with the knowledge to understand the responsability we have in the business sector, believing in innovation, surveying for new products, and representing some companies with high prestige all over europe and overseas. Luxestores produce, represent and sell products in the Solar Protection Controle Systems business, as well as in the Shades field, in general, indoors and outdoors, and with an high number of systems and solutions to help you in your home confort and energy savings.
Supporting from long ago engineer, architecture, construction companies, both traditional and modern, teaching and complying with the highest market standarts, planning since the project stage to the decoration finish, we now offer this wesite to all our customers and friends as another working tool for a better comunication between us all.
Luxestores has a udge product catalog both for Solar Protection and Decoration, for the ones that prefer the most updated design or our classic lines, with our guarantee for the best thermal and acoustic isolation materials achieving the excellence in security levels, confort, and home harmony. All this with an innovation design where one can add any of the most sofisticated and demanding domotic system available in the market.
Looking forward to meet you and serve you with our best quality, we are at your disposal for all the information and details you may need to suit your needs.
Thank you for your visit.
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