


OUR MISSION - it consists on the production, selling and assemblage using the highest standarts of quality and innovation in the solar protection solutions. Believe on constant qualification for our human resources. Center our work on our workers and customer's satisfaction, caring for a healthy development of our society. OUR VISION - To be a respected company, considered in the global world, and represente a reference in quality and effectiveness. OUR TARGETS • Etics, transparency and professionalism. • Creativity and Innovation. • Entire satisfaction for our buiseness partners • Valorize our working teams • Promote the expansion to new markets.

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Toldo de Braços Invisíveis / Invisible Arms Luxestores
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Este modelo é conhecido por braços articulados ou invisíveis, e é indicado para varandas, terraços e estabelecimentos comerciais.

É um sistema que proporciona uma protecção, conforto e decoração, podendo cobrir uma vasta área sem ter nada a impedir a livre circulação por debaixo do mesmo, com a possibilidade de inclinação dos braços e de cobrir uma área até 7mts de largura por 4 mts de avanço. Pode ser accionado manualmente ou por motorização simples, ou com comando à distancia.

This model is known by the articulated or invisible arms, specially indicated for varandas and shopping areas.

It's a system with protection, confort and decoration features, able to cover a big area without interrupting the circulation underneath, with the possibility of steeping its arms and covering an area until 7 mts wide and 4 mts length. It can be commanded mannualy or by remote control.

Ce modèle est connue par ces bras articulés ou invisibles, et est indiquée pour les balcons, terrasses et établissements commerciaux.
C'est un système qui fournit une protection, un confort et une décoration, en pouvant de couvrir un vaste surface sans empêcher la circulation en dessous des personnes. Il a la possibilité d'inclination des bras et de ne pas couvrir une surface jusqu'à 7mts de largeur par 4 mts d'avance. Il peut être actionné manuellement ou par motorisation simple, ou avec commande à distance.

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/*********************************************** * Snow Effect without images-by Kurt Grigg at * Script featured & available at Dynamic Drive at * Please keep this notice intact ***********************************************/