


OUR MISSION - it consists on the production, selling and assemblage using the highest standarts of quality and innovation in the solar protection solutions. Believe on constant qualification for our human resources. Center our work on our workers and customer's satisfaction, caring for a healthy development of our society. OUR VISION - To be a respected company, considered in the global world, and represente a reference in quality and effectiveness. OUR TARGETS • Etics, transparency and professionalism. • Creativity and Innovation. • Entire satisfaction for our buiseness partners • Valorize our working teams • Promote the expansion to new markets.

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Toldo de Ponto Recto / Straight Arms Luxestores
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Modelo ideal para montras, varandas e janelas, são esteticamente muito simples mas eficazes e elegantes porque se enquadram perfeitamente em qualquer decoração.

Graças aos braços fixos ao centro da parede a cobrir, tem a possibilidade de estar a 180º quando totalmente aberto, ou a 90º para sombreamento e entrada de ar; pode ser de accionamento manual ou motorizado tendo como linha máxima 5.00 metros e de saída 1.60 metros.

Ideal for shop windows, varandas and home windows, are very simple but their effectiveness and elegancy are adequate in any home decoration.

With their special non-removable arms on the center of the wall, it has the possibility of being 180 degrees tottaly opened, or 90 degrees for shading and fresh air; it can be controlled manually or with a motorized system, having as max line 5.00 mts and exit 1.60 mts.

Modèle idéal pour vitrines, balcons et fenêtres, sont esthétiquement très simple mais efficace et élégante parce qu’elles s'encadrent parfaitement dans toute décoration.
Grâce à les bras fixes au centre du mur à couvrir, il a la possibilité d'être à 180º quand totalement ouverte, ou la 90º pour ombrement et entrée d'air; peut être en commande manuelle ou motorisé en ayant la ligne maximum 5,00 mètres et de sortie 1,60 mètres.





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/*********************************************** * Snow Effect without images-by Kurt Grigg at * Script featured & available at Dynamic Drive at * Please keep this notice intact ***********************************************/