


OUR MISSION - it consists on the production, selling and assemblage using the highest standarts of quality and innovation in the solar protection solutions. Believe on constant qualification for our human resources. Center our work on our workers and customer's satisfaction, caring for a healthy development of our society. OUR VISION - To be a respected company, considered in the global world, and represente a reference in quality and effectiveness. OUR TARGETS • Etics, transparency and professionalism. • Creativity and Innovation. • Entire satisfaction for our buiseness partners • Valorize our working teams • Promote the expansion to new markets.

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Toldo de Cofre / Box Awning Luxestores
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É o um modelo utilizado tanto para habitações em terraços e varandas, como para estabelecimentos comercias, com as suas formas arredondadas e as suas proporções a integrar-se perfeitamente na decoração exterior, caracterizado pela caixa que esconde e protege o tecido os braços e o próprio mecanismo do toldo das intempéries prolongando a vida útil do toldo. Permite ainda uma largura que vai até 5 metros por 3 metros de saída.

A model used not only for residences and varandas, but also by shops, with its special shapes easily adaptable to the outdoor decoration, characterized by the box that hides the fabric and the mechanism itseilf, making it lasting in time. It permits a width of of 5 mts by 3 mts.

C’est un modèle utilisé pour les habitations avec terrasses, balcons, et pour des établissements commerciaux. Leurs formes arrondies et leurs proportions s'intégrent parfaitement dans la décoration extérieure, caractérisé par la boîte qui cache et protège le tissu, les bras et le propre mécanisme de la bâche des intempéries. Il permet encore une largeur qui va jusqu'à 5 mètres par 3 mètres de sortie.


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/*********************************************** * Snow Effect without images-by Kurt Grigg at * Script featured & available at Dynamic Drive at * Please keep this notice intact ***********************************************/