


OUR MISSION - it consists on the production, selling and assemblage using the highest standarts of quality and innovation in the solar protection solutions. Believe on constant qualification for our human resources. Center our work on our workers and customer's satisfaction, caring for a healthy development of our society. OUR VISION - To be a respected company, considered in the global world, and represente a reference in quality and effectiveness. OUR TARGETS • Etics, transparency and professionalism. • Creativity and Innovation. • Entire satisfaction for our buiseness partners • Valorize our working teams • Promote the expansion to new markets.

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Toldo Vertical / Vertical Awning Luxestores
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É o modelo ideal para a protecção do sol e do vento em varandas, proporcionando segurança e intimidade ao separar o interior e o exterior da habitação; serve também como decorativo podendo ser acompanhado ou não por guias para protecção do vento, e tem a possibilidade de ser accionado por manivela ou motorização simples ou com comando a distancia.

Perfect for solar and wind protecion in varandas, giving security and intimacy while separating both interior and exterior of the building: it also has a nice decoration effect, having or not two guides for wind protection, and the possibility of being remotely commanded by a remote control, or localy by hand.

C’est le modèle idéal pour la protection du soleil et du vent sur des balcons, en fournissant sécurité et intimité à la séparation l'intérieur et l'extérieur de l'habitation ; il sert aussi comme décoratif en pouvant être accompagné ou non par des guides de protection du vent, et il a la possibilité d'être actionnée par manivelle ou motorisation simple ou avec commande à distance.


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/*********************************************** * Snow Effect without images-by Kurt Grigg at * Script featured & available at Dynamic Drive at * Please keep this notice intact ***********************************************/